Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Ok everyone I feel it is my duty to warn you about birthday cakes purchased from large known coffee chains .... with the initials DD, ahem. Just *NOT* a good idea in general, I was sick for a few days, probably due to the eggs in the cake. Even my puppers got sick, and of course since you can't hide cake from me I found it the night before and ate some before I was supposed too hee hee!! So I got an extra day of food poisoning. But I'm feeling better now, and as usual I didn't miss a day of training I never do, and the improvements in the off season are progressing nicely.

I've also been answering a lot of interview questions for magazines so be sure to look for me in the major mags soon, of course you can track that on the news page of my web site as well. Some of the interview questions are pretty out there, like the one about three people in history who I would like to sit down and have dinner with. That's hard enough, but then it asks what I would want on the menu! Then you have to think about whether it's on season or off season, what time of day, carbing up or depleting, you know how it goes. But I am answering them all the best that I can and hopefully all my fans will see the results soon! Talk to you later!


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